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Format & Rules


Tournament Format:

32 teams in each Division

4’s coed - There must be one girl per team. Sign up as a team or you can sign up as an individual and we will match you with other individuals the best we can.

  • 2 divisions - Intermediate and Competitive

    • Intermediate - For the players who enjoy volleyball, understand the basics (bump, set, spike), but aren’t yet masters of the game. This is a fun division designed for newer or less competent players to compete against each other.

    • Competitive - For the players who have a high level of mastery, make few errors, and are by definition competitive.



Single game to 21, win by 2, cap at 25, rally scoring

Start the game with Rock, Paper, Scissor for side or serve

Teams must have at least ONE GIRL on the court at all times

Switch sides when one team reaches 11 points

Players must rotate: front middle must set (broken play sets by other players allowed), but all players can hit

Loose on hand sets – indoor sets are ok


Unique rules:

  • Serves can be kicked or thrown. If the serve is kicked or thrown and is out (and no one touches the ball), the team serving loses a point.

  • Serves can be blocked.

  • If a serve hits the net and falls on the serving team’s side, the receiving team can try and catch it before it hits the ground. If they do, serving team loses a point.

  • Match point must be a skyball.


Only 1 Challenge per game per team - FROM #1, #2, OR Mystery Challenge

– Dizzy receive – Challenge team spins 5 times. Serving team starts counting to 10 as soon as the challenge is decided. Serving team can serve when they've finished counting regardless if challenge team hasn't finished spinning (Serving team must countdown aloud) – 3 PTS

– Sugar Cookie – Jump in the water, run to the back line, and roll to the net (other team can douses you in beverages) – 5 PTS

– New Rules TBD. Once again we're reaching out to all of you to come up with fun rules to try!


How do challenges work?  

Challenges allow teams to turn back the clock on those final crucial points of a game. When team A scores match point, team B has 1 chance to do a challenge (listed above). After completing the challenge, team A's score will be subtracted by the point total for said challenge.

  • If team A's score is above 21, both teams scores are reduced by the difference then challenge points are applied. (example: team A has 24 and team B has 22. Team A and team B are reduced by 3 then the challenge points are applied.)

  • Each team get's 1 challenge opportunity. This opportunity can only be used when the opposing team wins match point.

  • Team B decides the challenge and/or to take a challenge.



Single elimination in playoffs.

Playoffs assigned by wins, then head to head, then points.

Challenges are live in playoffs.


The Details:

Location: Mariners Point, 1215 Mariners Way, San Diego, CA 92109

Start Time: 8:00 am

Date: Saturday, April 6th

Do I have to wear a costume?

It’s not mandatory, but it’s strongly encouraged. There will be a prize for best team costumes.


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We are working to partner with local businesses to offer prizes/donations/services for the tournament (to be announced asap!).


Tournament shirts will be provided for all those who enter, extras will be available to purchase.

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Want  to partner with us? Contact us at to get started!

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